Damage caused high heels

Health experts warn women heels often use the threat of them is greater than thought.

In some tests conducted in the UK doctors pulled results on the effects left by the use of takave daily . Women who use taka every day over a period of three years suffer irreversible damage .

As a result of their use of certain muscles in the foot on its key SEE should be reinforced . This causes them to be more dominant than some other muscles .

Consequently often to have pain kyëave , their suppression but also damage that would give their consequences in a higher age .

Galaxy S6 Plus soon on the market

Project Zero 2 ( formerly known as Project Zen ) , which is a great version of Galaxy edg S6 , will be called the Galaxy S6 Plus and will be presented in the coming weeks . The device can be presented in September at the IFA show to be held in Berlin .

Regarding the specifications , the phone will be powered by Snapdragon 808 processor with six cores and will have to sides curved screen 5.4 inch or 5.5 inch Super AMOLED . The phone will offer 32GB of internal storage and will have front camera of 5 megapixels and 16 megapixels rear camera .

We should emphasize that none of these features is not officially confirmed by the company , so it can not be true also . We hope to find more details in the coming days .

Lenovo creates intelligent shoes

During technological event in Beijing , Lenovo introduced several new devices as intelligent clock Magic View with two screens , the phone screen projects in each area and a pair of intelligent , to be with a display device and will monitor activity gym users .

The company demonstrated the concept of intelligent shoe that will monitor the condition of the person who wears them and analyze various data about physical activity , such as heart rate or calories you burned .

The concept of intelligent shoe is part of the strategy 'Internet of Things' ( IOT ) Lenovo's , which includes company formation ShenQi in 2014 , company that focuses exclusively on the development of IOT devices for homes .

He's Spent More Than Justin Jedlica on Plastic Surgery! See His $265,000 Body and Face

Jedlica says he will not stop surgical operations until the 100% plastic.

So far, he has had 190 operations excluding the last.

He has operated 5 times nose, arm implant conducted and increase the beard.

His last operation involved four implants in his spine, all self-designed willing to give "the illusion of wings".
"I have designed my own operation and I made a big implant under the muscle and two small implants. Like the effect of having wings on my back, "he said.

34-year-old was filmed before, during and after surgery for an American reality show.

"He has performed hundreds of operations," he explains surgeon, Dr. Leif Rogers Dailymail, Klan Kosova broadcasts.

"The reason that he found me is that I was willing to try something that has not been done before."

"I almost do not have a part of my body that I did not intervene," says Jedlica.

But he insists he still has a long way to go until it becomes perfect.

"I earned the reputation that I am a dependent of extreme plastic surgery in the world and I want to continue to push the limits," he said, reports Klan Kosova.

"As an artist I always liked painting and sculpture while plastic surgery is an extension of my creativity" ends Jedlica.

Volcano hidden in a park

Jelouston Park home of dozens of species to extinction and not every year attracts millions of tourists , not only Americans .

Famous for Bison , the gray wolf and forests with tall trees , the park is considered as one of the greatest natural pearls United States .

But heaven on earth hide hell underneath. A group of researchers at the University of Utah whistleblowers ; Jelloustonit Park is a time bomb because under the surface hides largest reserves of magma , so a supervullkan .

"The amount of magmatic rocks is enough to fill the Grand Canyon 14 times ," said the report by researchers who have studied the subsoil in this part of the United States using in-depth scanning through a high technology .

Some interesting facts about WhatsApp

Did you know that the application for WhatsApp messages did not spend any ALL to do marketing? The company, which is under the possession of fifth application downloaded on Android devices, has only 55 employees. WhatsApp is available in 32 languages ​​for platforms iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry.

30 billion messages sent and received every day from WhatsApp. More than 700 million photos are sent every day by WhatsApp and more than 100 million video messages distributed every day.

The application has 800 million users and messages from WhtasApp have contributed to 40% of divorces in Italy. While Argentina is the country where the application is used more, about 84% of the population has an account on WhatsApp. 8% of young Americans ages 14 to 17 years of use WhatsApp-in each day. The application was withdrawn from the App Store for four days in January 2014 for reasons not known uu never did.

Drone , the youngest referee in football

Droni and design technology lead football in a whole new level . Once you see this football game led by a re- main , other football games will look as boring as they golf .

In 1993 the Pentagon wanted to rapidly field a surveillance drone to support UN forces in the former Yugoslavia. The Gnat 750 was selected and by 1994 the first Gnat 750s were deployed to a CIA operating base in Albania for operations throughout the Balkans.

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