The social network Facebook is the most used application, while Google's applications more dominated the list of 10 most used applications from 2 million applications that are available in stores Apple and Google.

Facebook is at the top of the list being used by 115 million people a month, and YouTube, which is owned by Google, is in second place with 83.4 million users. This list was compiled by ComScore, an American company that deals with website analysis, and conducted a survey for the most used applications. This study was also reached to the conclusion that people spend more time using apps than web sites.

In third place stands Google Play app, where Android's users find new apps, with 72 million monthly users, followed by Google Search app in fourth place with 70 million users. In fifth place is the Internet radio service, Pandora, with 69 million listeners, while the sixth is occupied by Google Maps with 64.5 million monthly users.

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