Facebook will sign an agreement with the company Avanti, which will help to provide free internet access in remote areas in Africa. This is not the first time the social network decides to extend Internet access in developing countries. We recall Internet.org project, an initiative taken by Facebook to provide Internet access two-thirds of the world that are not yet connected. Besides Facebook, this project also includes Ericsson, Mediatek, Nokia, Opera, Qualcomm and Samsung.

The giant social partnership with Avanti company will lead to further this initiative to provide free internet in developing countries. Avanti is a satellite operator, and owns the equipment that will be used to spread the internet in Africa. The company currently owns two satellites, but there are plans to create two others in the next three years.

Internet signals through satellites will spread Avanti company. The company hopes that through Internet.org initiative to spread Internet access in developing nations and help increase productivity by 25%.

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