Snapchat will also add ads to its messaging application . This news was announced by co-founder and chief executive of the company , Evan Spiegel , Summit Vanity Fair New Establishment .

Application of self - destructive messages will continue to adhere to the terms of privacy , which means it will not collect your data . Spiegel did not give any more specific details on how Snapchat will display ads to users .

" People will see the first advertising Snapchat soon, " he told Katie Couric , who moderonte discussion with, as well as former New York mayor , Michael Bloomberg . Users will be able to choose whether they want to watch or exceed them.

Ads will be part of the particularity My Story of Snapchat 's , Spiegel said . Feature " My Story " works like this , when a user makes a picture of him , he can choose whether to send it as a message passer , or may choose to add it to the " Story " of his . This photo may be displayed for 24 hours . The next day , SJO will disappear , just like normal messages .

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