A guy from the center of England, Coventry, has become the youngest specialist for computers in the world. Ayan Qureshi is now a professional certified by Microsoft, after passing the examination by the tech giant when he was 5 years old. Ayan, now just six years old, whose father is a consultant for IT, has created its own network computer at home.

He told the BBC that the test was difficult, but entertaining, and hopes to one day have a technological company itself in the UK. "The biggest challenge was explaining language to a 5-year test. But he seems to understand and has a very good memory, "said the father of Ayanit.

Mr Qureshi informed his son about computers since he was 3 years old. He let him play with his old computer, so he could understand the component parts of the computer. "Everything that he remembered telling, so I started to give more information", he explained that.

Ayan has its own laboratory computer at home, which includes computer network built by him. He spends about two hours a day learning about the operating system and how to install programs. When the boy went to the exam of Microsoft, observers thought he was too small to be a candidate. The father insisted that his son can do everything yourself. The test is usually given by people who want to become technology experts.

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