Summer brings with various skin problems. Exposure to the sun and do not take protective measures enables aging skin. It is advisable to take special care to show people with white skin.
Dr. Dermatologist, Blerta John states that if you are over 40, if you open the skin color, you sunburn or work outdoors should consult sun protective products in this period and not when filllojë summer season.
Skin aging is more pronounced in the face and neck and can occur in very young age to those who stay too long outside. Are there changes to the skin from the sun? Over the years, skin appearance and characteristics change.
Accelerated skin aging skin areas exposed to the sun a process known as aging from the sun (photoageing). Photoageing occurs because of damage to the skin from UVB short waves to the outside of the skin, the longer UVA waves in the dermës and infra-red radiation in the deepest layer of skin.
Cell damage occurs as a result of the formation of alloys with oxygen. Skin aging is more pronounced in the face and neck and can occur in very young age to those who stick more time outdoors, especially those with white face.
What are the external factors that influence skin aging? Damage from the sun lead to the appearance of small wrinkles, hiperpigmentim and changes in skin elasticity. The upper layer of the skin or epidermis thinned and tougher skin splits and easily.
The skin feels dry because it is less able to hold water. Protein damage in the interior, flexible skin (dermes) leads to the formation of heliozave (as thickening yellow bumps on the skin). Derma loses elasticity and is weaker than normal.
In skins exposed to the sun has a lot of melanocyte hyperactivity leading to increased skin pigmentation and lead to the formation of brown spots, lentigo and the formation of white spots. Also noticed the increasing cases of small blood vessels on the face (telangiectasia).
Aging skin is also more prone to develop harmless brown lesions (keratoze seborroike). Ultraviolet radiation in the presence of sunlight leads to oxidation, ionium and genetic changes in cellular components, including DNA. It also has profound effects on the immune system of the skin.
This means that the old skins tend to form of skin cancer. Examination of problems arising in the face and skin fototipit determination should only be performed by a specialist doctor dermatologist? It is advisable to regularly check the skin for various skin lesions.
If you are over 40, if you open the skin color, you sunburn and if you work outdoors should consult sun protective products in this period and not when filllojë summer season.
Consult your doctor if you have growing dermatologist any formation in the skin, sores that do not heal, new spots or just to doubts as dermatoscopic is more far that përdroim examination for diagnosis and differentiation of skin diseases.
Using creams with high protective factor, especially in summer and where you work outdoors for hours is mandatory and recommended after visiting dermatologic skin analyzer.

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