Many of you may be aware, in your supplier news on Facebook, Twitter or Instgram that more people are becoming part of the challenge ice bucket or "Ice Bucket Challenge". Starting from eminent personalities of the world of art, music, sports and technology, as Mark Zuckenberg, Bill Gates, George W. Bush, Vin Diesel, Jennifer Lopez, etc., this challenge is becoming increasingly popular even among people simple.

This challenge could not escape nor a wanted by the police, who seemed much more important to ignore. According to a report by the Smoking Gun, a fugitive wanted by the police had posted a video on Facebook to take part in the challenge with ice bucket.

The video was detected by someone who knew the person and knew he was wanted by the police, so he announced police authorities to arrest him. The person knew the place where it was committed challenge with ice bucket and gave police the address. These data helped police in apprehending fugitives and his detention.

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