The more technology advances , the more added to human curiosity to learn more about distant planets . By placing the powerful space telescopes able to capture and bring to the ground images from distances of hundreds of thousands of light years away , recent years have been great discoveries .

One of them is published in the journal " Nature " of scientists at the University of Maryland in the United States . They claim to have found traces of water on the planet HAT P - 11b which is located in the constellation Cygnus , about 124 light years away with size about four times larger than Earth .

This planet , according to American scientists , contains water vapor . They arrived at this conclusion during the survey with three different telescopes , aided by the sighted Visibility in the atmosphere of the planet , when the latter was passing before his star .

At the moment reflection of the light of the star to the surface and atmosphere of HAT P - 11b suggests that it contains water and hydrogen . According to scientists , 90 % of its atmosphere consisting of hydrogen and 10 % is in the form of water vapor .

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